Friday, April 09, 2010

Beautiful machines

April 6 (Tuesday)
“Your wires are all exposed like a beautiful machine”

I’m hurting a lot….

Well the charger of my laptop is broken. Its wire is all exposed and it became an ugly machine. I’m into searching for jobs and internet and computer is my number 1 companion. I already surpassed some challenges before like I don’t have an internet connection at home and I need to go to computer shops regularly to upload the sites I made. My pet peeve would be going to these cheap computer shops. I don’t like the ambiance and the people. I’m praying that my father could fix it. He did it once he may just fixed it again. My promise to myself is to buy a new laptop once I get a job then ITouch later.

I and my laptop have been through a lot. It is one of the key to achieve my beloved diploma. I’m finished right now so I think I need to replace you. You kinda suck right now.

If I am to name my laptop it would be Trojan. Don’t ask why. Haha

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