Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Be my rockstar

Be my rockstar

Look at me
Blinded by the shows I see         
Hear me
Lend me your ears to hear my voice of admiration
It seems you can’t decipher my ideas
I just want you to be my shining rockstar

You can replace the place
Where the one I am longing for was pasted
In an area beside my thirsty heart
Because it seems he will forever be a dream
That it will take gazillion years to be true
But now for me he is just another wannabe

Having you is far from my dream
Where rockstars seems dominating the scene
You don’t need to carry a tune
All you need is to let me feel I am loved
Because my heart seems to be marooned
So lonely, so unhappy
So now do you wanna be my shining rockstar?

picture: that's my drawing!! :)

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