Friday, September 18, 2009

The 10 weird facts about me:

The 10 weird facts about me:

Actually I don’t know if these things are weird but for me I think it is.
1) I cried maybe twice while reading a book. The books that made me cry are Bob Ong’s Mac Arthur and Mitch Albom’s For One More Day
2) I have trichotillomania, an impulse disorder characterized by the repeated urge to pull out scalp hair.
3) I am OC at my music files in my computer. I have folders of different artist. I want it to be organized. As much as possible I want all the details to appear, for example at Media Player I want Album Covers are there, the released date, the composers etc.
4) I get sick or sometimes not feeling well when I am restoring my computer.
5) I read newspaper, magazine or book inside the bathroom.
6) I love watching videos at MYX and MTV even if the videos are just keeps on repeating.
7) I can live without a cellphone
8) I have weird imagination lalo na pag gabi.
9) I don’t want my collections to be seen. Well I have a virus collection…
10) I talk to myself… a lot…

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