Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The way it used to be

The Way It Used To Be

Always on my side
When everything seems to collide
Always on my back
When everything seems to attack
That’s the way it used to be
So far away from today
So far from those days
When you’re the song I sing
And I’m your everything

As I walk on the lonely sand
Trying to remember every single word you’ve said
Trying to memorize your lines
So I have the strength in these bad times
I got satiated in imagining
I got satiated in shamming
That’s now how it use to be
That’s not I would like to be

That’s the way it used to be
So far away from today
So far away from these days
When you’re the beat of my heart
And I’m you’re light in the dark

1 comment:

creeper said...

hi also