She is just a little girl In a world of sadness and despair I wanted to whisper in her ear “Everything will be alright my dear” But I can’t I can’t guarantee that to her This senseless and unfair world Is bringing her down and no words can make it heal Wounds are bigger than it seems Loneliness will always appear All we can do is to hold on Take every hurt Get all the pain We will be one day be numb Of this tiresome cycle Of happiness and fanfare Of Sadness and despair
"Boy, I think we'd look good together. I'd share you my umbrella in the stormy weather We'll march inside the classroom causing quite a stir How could an ugly girl get such a handsome man beside her? Be my trophy boy, while you have an affair Go frolic with your girl at night, I'm ready to share I shouldn't care so much, because all I could do Wait for another trophy boy who's so much cuter than you"
2016 is full of memories with you. I didn't expect to be like this. Early this year, I said I don't like you anymore. But due to series of fortunate events with you, I betrayed myself. I began to like you again. Who can blame me? You are so handsome, and I am a girl who never had a boyfriend. You treated me like I am a special girl in your eyes. But no, it's just in my eyes. To you, I am just an awkward girl you normally see. You are just being nice and friendly. And stupid me, I see it differently. I laugh at myself to think a slightest possibility that you might have a crush on me.
I will always remember our shuttle conversations.The day we shared earphones to watch The Simpsons. The time you touched my hand to get the brush I was holding. The moment when you stared at me while I was eating longanisa. The time we saw each other in the CD shop. The time you pranked me with your exchange gift. The day I pranked you when I gave you my exchange gift. The time we laughed together. The times when we play UNO. The time you said I am pretty. The time that you were so close to me while eating Wendy's macaroni salad. The moment you stopped going out the room because you saw me, you called me then stare at me for about 5.6 seconds... and so much more.
But I know things will change by 2017. I am open to so much possibilities such as, we won't talk as often as I want to, we won't have the usual conversations, shuttle rides, lunch and merienda breaks we usually have.You will name the girl you are dating. You might leave.
This video sums up my thoughts about you. It really fits our situation :)
What's worst is to know that the person is not feeling the same way towards you. When they don't cling to those memories you made with them. That you were just a person that made a cameo role in their life. You were just an extra, you are easy to forget because what they have with their lives are much better. Because unlike a Beyonce song, I am replaceable. It sucks.
I wish I will have stronger tolerance with this endless cycle.