She is just a little girl In a world of sadness and despair I wanted to whisper in her ear “Everything will be alright my dear” But I can’t I can’t guarantee that to her This senseless and unfair world Is bringing her down and no words can make it heal Wounds are bigger than it seems Loneliness will always appear All we can do is to hold on Take every hurt Get all the pain We will be one day be numb Of this tiresome cycle Of happiness and fanfare Of Sadness and despair
"Boy, I think we'd look good together. I'd share you my umbrella in the stormy weather We'll march inside the classroom causing quite a stir How could an ugly girl get such a handsome man beside her? Be my trophy boy, while you have an affair Go frolic with your girl at night, I'm ready to share I shouldn't care so much, because all I could do Wait for another trophy boy who's so much cuter than you"
2016 is full of memories with you. I didn't expect to be like this. Early this year, I said I don't like you anymore. But due to series of fortunate events with you, I betrayed myself. I began to like you again. Who can blame me? You are so handsome, and I am a girl who never had a boyfriend. You treated me like I am a special girl in your eyes. But no, it's just in my eyes. To you, I am just an awkward girl you normally see. You are just being nice and friendly. And stupid me, I see it differently. I laugh at myself to think a slightest possibility that you might have a crush on me.
I will always remember our shuttle conversations.The day we shared earphones to watch The Simpsons. The time you touched my hand to get the brush I was holding. The moment when you stared at me while I was eating longanisa. The time we saw each other in the CD shop. The time you pranked me with your exchange gift. The day I pranked you when I gave you my exchange gift. The time we laughed together. The times when we play UNO. The time you said I am pretty. The time that you were so close to me while eating Wendy's macaroni salad. The moment you stopped going out the room because you saw me, you called me then stare at me for about 5.6 seconds... and so much more.
But I know things will change by 2017. I am open to so much possibilities such as, we won't talk as often as I want to, we won't have the usual conversations, shuttle rides, lunch and merienda breaks we usually have.You will name the girl you are dating. You might leave.
This video sums up my thoughts about you. It really fits our situation :)
What's worst is to know that the person is not feeling the same way towards you. When they don't cling to those memories you made with them. That you were just a person that made a cameo role in their life. You were just an extra, you are easy to forget because what they have with their lives are much better. Because unlike a Beyonce song, I am replaceable. It sucks.
I wish I will have stronger tolerance with this endless cycle.
"We keep on waiting waiting on the world to change. It's not that we don't care, we just know that the fight ain't fair. So we keep on waiting, waiting on the world to change. One day our generation is gonna rule the population so we keep on waiting, waiting on the world to change"
It's sad to know that Ferdinand Marcos Jr. or Bongbong Marcos and Maria Leonor Robredo or Leni Robredo are in a close fight for the vice president position. In a perfect world, this situation won't exist. In a perfect world, we never forget history. In a perfect world, we learned from the past.
In the first hours of COMELEC's partial and unofficial count, Duterte and BBM were leading.
Why it is happening? I can't understand. By evening, I concede. Duterte is our new President. I have so many qualms about him. But I can accept him. On the other hand, I can't, for the love of bleep, accept BBM. I questioned the Filipinos who voted for him. Then I pondered and realized that Filipinos are known for electing flawed candidates. We voted an action star for president. Then he was guilty for plunder. Then after giving a pardon he was elected as Mayor. He run for President. And... drum roll please... he didn't win.. (YEY!). Another president charged with different cases, now in a house arrest, run for governor and won. And oh, do you know that Manny Pacquiao is not only a boxer, basketball player and coach? He just recently gained a seat as a senator.
I wonder why people still vote for a candidate with a notorious family history. I've read posts, articles and tweets why they voted for BBM.(you can read some of his achievements here) But for me, whatever infrastructure he made, senate bills, windmills he built or how cute is his son Sandro, it won't overshadow the fact that he is not innocent when Martial law happened, he denied thousands of human rights claimants of their due compensation as a matter of a US court decision for which Marcos family is compelled by law to settle, and the never ending issue about their ill-gotten wealth.
In his miting de avance he said "malaki ang utang na loob ko sa inyo. Right from the horse's mouth ladies and gentlemen. When I heard it I smiled and said "yes malaki talaga mga 20 billion".
At the afternoon of May 9, after we voted, Comelec released partial and unofficial results. I can't shake the feeling that BBM was leading. Hey mom and dad, be glad that your daughter can't sleep with fact that there is a 70% chance that the dictator's son can have the 2nd highest position in the country. I want to pat myself on the back. I'm happy that I have a sense of concern for this country. I slept around 1 am. I don't know why but at around 2:30 am, I woke up, and read my twitter feed. Surprisingly, I am not the only one who can't sleep. Apparently, there were a lot. #labanleni is trending worldwide. Around 3 am, Leni was already leading. I still can't sleep because the lead is still small. But as I read other tweets, they projected that Leni's vote will be higher than BBM. It gave me some kind of peace.
I voted for Leni but I do have some doubts about her too. It's not a secret that she is not the first choice of Liberal Party to be their vp. We also know that she really didn't want to run in any position. I think she was bullied by LP. But of course she said the usual statment: she can't turn her back to serve her country. I don't know why, but I do believe her. She just have the sincerity and purity of heart that I can't see with other VP candidates.
Side note: the most unforgettable statment for me during the Vice presidential debate was from Trillanes. When he asked about his achievements, he said his fight and exposing the truth. He said something like "kung hindi na expose yung corruption ni Binay, siya sana ang president natin ngayon. I like that statment since in 2010 when he was elected as VP, we already know that he will run for President. His 6 year term seems like a campaign than a public service.
Anyway, Leni's "May the best woman wins" is so witty too. Another thing that made me think twice for voting Leni was she said she is not ready to be the President. As a VP, you should have the qualities of a President. You should be ready to be one since at any point when the President can't do his duties the VP will take over. It will be a disaster if the VP is not ready with that responsibility. I do fear that she might be LP's puppet. But after hearing her speak during debates and interviews, I've got a sense that she will be descent enough to not be dictated by the people who brought her where she is now.
Another widow wearing yellow is trying to help change this country. I am not really sure how a VP will be an integral part in our government since our previous VP during debates shared his accomplishments during his stint as the Mayor of Makati. We condemn Mar for the sins of this administration, even the VP condemns him too.. But he is the Vice President for God's sake.
I also hope that, as of this writing she is not yet a clear winner and with only 200,000 ++ lead, she won't be too contented of her current standing. I am still scared since it's very tight race to the finish line.
It's still unofficial that it will be a Duterte-Robredo administration. I don't know if they are a perfect fit since they are extremely different from each other. I think Duterte will discipline us and Leni will be the one to discipline Duterte. haha.
So buckle up because I know this will be a one heck of a ride.
I thought I didn’t like the Manila episode of Parts Unknown. It is not the usual Anthony Bourdain show that I know and love . I thought that they featured few Filipino dishes and focused on the slums area knowing it is a travel and food show.
But I pondered and finished the whole episode. I don't want to accept the fact that I cried on the last part of the show. The good thing is, I learned that I'm not the only one.
They featured on why Filipinos are so damn caring. They did that by focusing on Overseas Filipino Workers. They show how we love balikbayan boxes and that OFWs will throw anything they have in that big box. That inside of the box is worth of thousands of sweat and tears. We have the box so we can have a piece of them because they are miles away.
Filipinos are so damn caring because our government is a trash and we only have one another to take care of each other.
We learn to be strong inspite of the wildest storm, we learn to be brave inspite of the wildest monsters, we learn to sing in the midst of difficulties.
That's the Filipino spirit...
Thank you Anthony and staff for showing the entire world that Filipinos should be known not only because of Manny Pacquiao, but because of the Filipino spirit we possess.
Thank you Anthony Bourdain 💚💜💙 continue to do that with other countries so a part of them will not be unknown anymore.
This is late post but I just like to post this. So I went to Ely Buendia's greatest hits at Robinson's Galleria with my brother. We were so thrilled that he sang some rare songs like Fruitcake and Christmas Party. It's one of happiest Ely in concert I've seen. He made jokes like "Music pa more? Or should I say great music pa more?" During Christmas Party, he let us stand and be near at the stage. I was able to hold his hand.. That's one of the highlights of my 2015. Sorry, if it is shallow, but I am a fan since God knows when so pardon me for being a fan girl :)
Just sending this to the universe. Just releasing this from my chest.
Do i really have this aura or personality that makes people not interested at me?
Girls say I’m pretty but I don’t feel it. Actually i think it’s ok that nobody wants me. I’ve been living alone for 25 years. I’m feeling bad because everyone around me seems getting attention from people, and here I am at the corner as always watching people happy and feel loved. I am loved, i am not questioning that, but it’s not kind of love that I am seeing around me.
I am such a looser to remember this one moment happened a couple days ago. This guy, he is one of the cutest guy in our company, we always joke around, when he saw me at the door, he waited for me to come out and give the most pa cute look and stare he can give. It’s good that i have practiced making the No Reaction face. well i hoped i didn’t show that i am really kilig with that look he gave me. Damn you! I know there is no slightest chance that we will be together, i also don’t want to think that he likes me. Please don’t be too pa cute. I am dying inside thinking if there is a tiniest chance that he has a crush at me. If that’s even possible. Well, normal looking guys seems not interested at me, how will a cute and handsome guy will have a crush at me when he have unlimited access to prettiest and hottest girls? I can’t and won’t compete with that. I will just think that he haven’t met a girl who wears a storm trooper shirt and have a darth vader and marge Simpsons lego at her desk that’s why he is giving me some attention that I badly needed.
If I will not let myself be exposed to other people and guys will not make an effort to know this elusive girl then… I will need to accept the fact that I am not made to be with someone else. If my characteristics will not change and can’t find someone who matches my social weirdness, then I need to accept the fact that I will do these things alone: traveling, going to art fairs, bookstores and gigs. God made me to be alone since he thought that I’m completely ok with it or that’s how I perceive myself.