Sunday, November 21, 2021

When you have to choose between good or evil- always choose good


Why do we have to complicate things. Even a kindergarten students know the basic concept of what is good and what is evil. When facts are laid in front of your eyes, do you still look around and have second thoughts?

Ok, you might. You might want to double check, or triple check. But where do you validate? Do you check it in reliable sources such as books, online sites from media, or from ordinary people without references, to TikTok or YouTube videos that can be easily manipulated?

Why do we still choose a person with tainted character where there is an option to choose a respected person? Why do we need to overthink this? Why do we need to fight each other when clearly there is an obvious answer.

I am not saying all problems will be solved once we choose the good one. But this is the first step in achieving such goals. 

HOPE. If ever there’s a word that I will be using more this following months, that’s the word.

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