“Bumaba ako sa jeepney kung saan tayo’y laging magkatabi”
For almost 2 years and counting I’m commuting since I entered college. Maybe for those years I already rode in about 500 more or less jeepneys and be able to be with 1000++ people I sat side by side with.
Jeeps are the cheapest form of transportation in the land with only P6.00 for students and senior citizen and P7.50 as minimum fare. And indeed, is the most annoying form of transportation (at least for me) because of many reasons. I stated already here about the top 10 reasons why I like and don’t like riding on jeeps. Now I want to describe my feelings, the people, commuters and the drivers.
I am one of them. But I don’t know if I’m “one” of them in terms of behavior or attitudes. There are different kinds of commuters.
First the I’ll-wait- for- you- to –come- coz’- I’m -lazy kind of commuter. These are kinds of commuters who are lazy to give their fare to the driver since he/she is too far from him and he/she is the only one inside it. I’m like this when I’m wearing my skirt because it is hard for me to move.
Second, the I-will-just-look-you-are-passing-it-coz’ I’m lazy-or-autistic kind of commuter. I’m irritated by these kinds of people. They are the one who is so serious about life and I think they are autistic or have their “own worlds”.
Third, can-I-get-your-jeepney-fair-coz’-I-know-you-are-lazy kind of commuter. It is the person who does nothing with his or her life so he/she will be so kind and willingly to give it to the driver. In some cases, these kinds of people are just too kind and understanding. It happened to me one time; I think it is a staff or teacher of my school.
Fourth, I’m-head-banging-right-know kind of commuter. These are people who are listens to his/her mp3 or IPod and even if you scream at him/her, he/she can’t hear you. These kinds of commuter are funny to watch.
Fifth, the PDA commuters. There’s really nothing wrong in showing your affection to your “significant other” if it is just light. For me the “light” form of PDA is holding hands and kissing the cheeks. And the hardcore ones are the lips to lips, smooching, “harutan”, “lampungan” and you can already add some more. It is not right because according to the “jeepney etiquette”, though shall not irritate your seatmate. You should also be considerate with other’s feelings. You may let someone be jealous by your actions because he/she might remember the times when his/her exes romantic moments. And with that actions, for me it proves some things, like if you can do that in front of many people, what else you could do when you are two are alone?
Sixth, I-am-religious-or-rich--can’t-you-see commuter. These are types of commuters who are ostentatious and flamboyant. I think it is a normal kind of commuter. They are the ones who show his/her “expensive” belongings. It also goes for people who will show rosary, prayer books or what not. I know that sometime it is needed and those people are not included. What I mean with these kinds of commuters is you can “feel” it that he/she is showing you.
Seventh, I’ll-pay-you-coz’-I-know-you and you-pay-me-coz’-you-know-me commuter. Theses commuters are also funny because they are like racing to make you “libre” but I know in the back of his’her mind “ikaw dapat ang manlibre”. Nag-uunahan pa sila, pero ang tagal naman makakuha ng pera.
First is maigsi-ang-kamay-ko-di-ko-maabot drivers. I am irritated and annoyed by these drivers. They are not giving too much effort to reach for your jeepney fare.
Second, I-don’t-wanna-stop-the jeepney drivers. These are kinds of drivers who are deaf. That even you are already shouting he is not stopping it. Sometimes, they don’t stop it but he is just slowing down. One time minura ng mother ko yung driver because he is not stopping the jeep he is only slowing down.
Third, ay-di-ko-alam jeepney drivers. i hate it when they I already said that I’m a student but the change he will give is for the normal fare.
Fourth, is jeepney drivers with mannerisms. I’ve seen a lot of them. There is one driver who burps for almost 30 minutes. Then there is this driver na parang nahipan ng hangin because he kept on moving his shoulder. It is scary because he is driving and doing that mannerism baka mabangga siya.
Fifth, kilala-ko-nanay-mo-libre-kita-pamasahe drivers. I love these kinds of drivers!! I hope all of the drivers are like that.
So here are the types of commuters and drivers I’ve encounter. Some give made me laugh, irritated, annoyed, smile, sleepy, angry, hungry while I’m inside the jeep. But after everything was said and done, I can’t still live without jeepneys.
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