Saturday, April 25, 2009

The truth about him

“Sunod sunod na kamalasan ang dumadating di ko na alam ang aking gagawin”

I know this is something stupid. But I am confused. Gago kasi siya eh! Nananahimik ako bigla na lang niya ginugulo ang mundo ko. It is just a fucking infatuation! Yes infatuation is the right word… I looked in the dictionary and this is the meaning of it. Infatuated-foolish; completely carried away by unreasoning passion or attraction. Attraction… he is not my type if you are talking about physical attributes. He is not handsome! He is antipatiko, arrogant and has a big fat tummy. I hate him for being around and distracting me. I just keep on thinking about him and the stupid things he did to me. Bakit naman hindi, I am studying in an exclusive school and I am not really exposed to guys. No wonder he will be the main subject of my brain. I hate him for doing things that makes me vulnerable. I know that he is insensitive and not aware because he is too old and too busy to think of those things. I guess that he is also like that to some selected people. But I just feel something is different. I wanted to know what he feels for me. If he feels the same, thought that is stupid to think about. Nakakainis kasi siya… he should be considerate to a young girl’s feelings. Why he touched my fucking hands and why he let me feels different because of the way he is treating me. Fuck that guy!

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