Friday, April 17, 2009


“Here comes the sun… here comes the sun and I say its alright…”

A lot of things happened to me. I don’t know where to start.

Oh well, I will just tell you the story about my Hong Kong experience. Yes! We went to Hong Kong with my whole family plus my relatives at my mother’s side. It’s really an unforgettable moment because it’s a rare event that we all of us will be in a vacation. I was the official photographer. Hahaha!! My father let me hold the camera. I capture every minute that is worth remembering like we are in the airport, in the airplane… this is the first time me and my brothers ride in the plane. I was beside my big bro… I know he is being sweet brother or being nurse because he kept on asking me if I feel like vomiting. I don’t have much stomach in traveling… haha!! I mean I have this history of felling dizzy or vomiting while traveling. But thank God nothing happens like that. I felt dizzy for a while. I hate how slow the airport service. We spent our first day on waiting. We only have 3 days on 2 nights. Because we don’t have any time to go to some place we just went to the mall riding on a MTR.

That’s when comparing happens. We rode on MTR, MRT in the Philippines. In the MTR station it’s really nice. Walang wala talaa ang MRT. Ang bilis pa. so yun… then we ate somewhere.. and it’s my first time to hear a restaurant that doesn’t have any spoon and forks. I know how to use chopsticks but my father and uncle doesn’t know how to.

2nd day will be the highlight of the whole event. We went to Hong Kong Disneyland.

On the last day we just shopped. Basta I will never forget this. I’m really forgetful. But don’t worry I may forget dates but I can’t forget the memories.

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