“I don’t think that you even realize the joy you make me feel when I’m inside… your universe”
Surprisingly enough I am reading 3 books consecutively. The first book I am reading is “New Moon” by Stephenie Meyer but I began to be irritated so I try reading “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. These two books are e-books so it means I’m using electricity while reading it. When I am not using my laptop I am reading a book called “The art of Happiness” by Dalai Lama that was given by a family friend 2 or 3 years ago. I would say it’s advisable to read “The Secret” and “The Art of Happiness” one after another. These 2 books are about ways on finding happiness.
I would say “The Secret” is a life changing book because it changed my perceptions and way of thinking about things. I realized I am sending negative signals to the Universe that’s why I don’t have what I wanted. The Secret goes like this… you should think of things you wanted. For example you want a new cellphone. Visualize it, think of it. Then believe that you received it. The Universe will do its work. I think you should read it to really understand The Secret.
A while ago I opened my Facebook. I saw something that made me shiver. I have a secret admirer daw and it’s one of my friends list. I opened it but it let me jump in some site. I think that it is like a propaganda… alam mo naman sa internet ang daming nag po-pop up. Pero maybe believing “The Secret” the universe made my simple wish come true. I have a crush to one of my friend on my friends list and I keep on thinking that we are together etc. so maybe The Universe answered it… I don’t know… I’m confused…
What I’m doing right now? I am fixing my Universe according to what I wanted to happen… I hope the genie will answer my wishes in pursuit of happines….
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