Friday, October 19, 2007

What's going on?

“Mother mother too many dying… You’ve got to find a way to bring some love hidden there… War is not the answer”

I feel lucky and kind of having 2nd life. I am supposed to go to Glorietta after going to school to buy some clothes. I didn’t go because my friends decided to not go to school. so hindi na din ako umalis. Then at 1:30 pm sumabog ang Glorietta 2. if you think about it maybe at this time I’m not here writing about this. Now I’m scared going to Glorietta. Last week I went there for almost 2 times. It really scares me. awoooh!!

Because of this I realized that I have some things to do. I mean I didn’t die or get wounded there because it’s not yet my time and I still have some work to do. I need to do my mission… to save the earth from the forces of evil…

As of this moment there are about 8 casualties and about 80, more or less which are wounded. The cause is still not known. They tell it’s because of LPG gas, some says it’s a bomb. Then a while a go I also heard about some suicide bombers, etc, etc…

What’s going on?

I don’t know…

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