Saturday, April 21, 2007

Q and A Part VI

What is love for you, honestly?
It is a feeling that you received from someone.

Do you love someone now?We always have someone to love.

What is faith for you?

Faith… actually it’s a part of my thesis. Faith is needed in every thing we do. For example is in believing god. We don’t see god but with a little faith in our side we know god really exist, and for me I don’t need to see him personally to know that he exist that is because of my “faith”.

For you, what is music?Music is the air that I breathe. My day will not be completed without listening to music. I’m an OPM lover. Why? I don’t know, but I think it’s because I can relate with them then foreign artist. But I also love some of them (foreign artist).

Do you love writing?
Medyo. But I don’t think writing loves me. haha. I’m not really that good in grammar but I’m trying my best. I also love writing poems. Sometimes, I’m shocked sa mga poems na nasulat ko. Parang ako ba talaga gumawa niyan?

What is it that people don’t know from you?
I’m a shy person. Parang sa lahat ng hindi ko magawa sinisisi ko ang pagiging shy ko. And I think there’s a lot more that people don’t know from me.

About myself? Minsan pabago-bago talaga ako… parang now this is my decision but after 5 minutes it could change again and again…

What consumes you time mostly?Listening to music, internet, watching t.v., doing some art stuffs…

What’s your favorite song?Paiba iba… like what I’ve said magulo utak ko. Pero I think masasama sa list ang “With A Smile”, “Akap” and “You’ll be safe here”. With a smile because there’s a lot of memories na nakapaloob sa song na yan. It’s our 4th year high school theme song. Akap, because it’s so simple but it really touches my heart and “You’ll be safe here” because napaka ganda ng lyrics. Example is “when no one hear you screams I will scream with you…”

Do you have any addictions or obsession?
Arts and music. Medyo malayo sa course ko.

What qualities are you looking for a boy?
Physically he could be medyo bumbayin mala Ali Alejandro, Ritchie Paul Gutierrez or Kean of PBB. Pero I also like “tsinito” mala Ely Buendia, Mong Alcaraz… If you could see halos puro mga musicians so I also like na musically incline sila. Pag ganyan na sila kahit bad ka basta ganyan look mo pasado ka na… hehehe joke lang…

Do you regret something about your life?
Yeah… I don’t want to go on details…

What is life for you?Living a life is so hard. There are a lot of challenges to face, too many decisions to decide on, to many people to meet. Basta lahat TOO MANY… But as what Aia de Leon said on the song “Akap”, “Simple lang ang buhay kung ikaw ay matino”.

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