Friday, June 01, 2007

June Celebrants

+Alanis Morisette June 1, 1974

+Sebastian Lefebvre June 1, 1974

+Boogie Romero June 3, 1979

+My lil’ bro Philip will turn 5!! June 4, 2002

+Buhawi Francia Meneses June 4, 1976

+Alex Band June 8, 1981

+Bryan Malcasiar June 13, 1979

+ My high school friend Chloe June 13, 1989

+Ry my good friend June 26, 1989

+Darius Gerard Semana June 30, 1973

Just do the math… mahina ako dyan… haha… katamad subtract…

Again I have 2 words for you…

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